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Welcome to your Seneca Land home...
Stretching from the northwest corner of Pennsylvania through central New York and into the Adirondack mountains, the Seneca Land District is home to passionate members of the Barbershop Harmony Society, (legally and historically named the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing of America, Inc). With 28 chapters throughout the District, this small but mighty district lays big claim to a proud history including being the home of the most well known barbershop quartet, the Buffalo Bills. In addition to this International Champion quartet which was the centerpiece of the play and movie 'The Music Man', Seneca Land is the home of no fewer than five former SPEBSQSA Presidents.
Whether you are a district member, friend, relative, fellow barbershopper, or simply surfing the internet to learn more about this unique and wonderful past time, we hope you will find a home here. Take some time to learn about the great groups and outstanding individuals that make up the Seneca Land District of the Barbershop Harmony Society, as our district seeks to serve, preserve, and be a positive presence in our communities through singing barbershop.
#SLD Proud

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