District Recognitions

Former SLD BOTY's
Year Person Chapter
2019 Keith Langdon
2018 Butch Talada
2017 Tom Jones Binghamton
2016 Skip Berenguer Salamanca
2015 Pat Close Olean/Elicottville
2014 Bob Mayeu Rochester
2013 Art Zelesnikar Rome
2012 Ted Norton Olean/Salamanca
2012 Warren Campenos Warren
2011 Peter Carentz Onondaga Co.
2010 Wayne Bailey Elmira
2009 Brian Moore Rochester
2008 Jim Barickman Erie
2007 Fred Burne St. Marys
2006 Butch Talada Elmira
2005 Chuck McCollum East Aurora
2004 Rick Collins Warren
2003 Jan Muddle Rochester
2002 Keith Clark* Rochester
2001 Mike Morgan Rochester
2000 Richard Grapes* East Aurora
1999 Andy Nazzaro Rochester
1998 Dr. Jim McDonnell East Aurora
1997 Keith Clark* Rochester
1996 not awarded
1995 Don Stothard Rochester
1994 not awarded
1993 Jim Eldridge Warren
1992 Lee Myers Greater Dubois
1991 George Jarrell Jamestown
1990 Jerry Knickerbocker Warren
1989 Bob Coant Oswego/Watertown
1988 Rudy Reger* Rochester
SLD 2023 Barbershopper of the Year (BOTY)
Meet Jim Barnett, the 2023 Seneca Land District recipient of the Barbershopper of the Year award!
Conrgratulations to Jim Barnett!
Thank you for all you have done, and thank you to the committee for the time and effort put into selecting this years Barbershopper of the Year!