Our Mission: Make Life Better Singing Barbershop Music
The Seneca Land Vision: To be an ever-growing fraternal singing organization that is ageless, colorless and dedicated to the average singer having fun creating and preserving extraordinary music in the barbershop style. A Brotherhood known in their community for making a difference through singing.
2021 Seneca Land District Leadership
President: David Bay SLD_District_President@outlook.com
Executive Vice President: Open
Secretary: Tom Jones t-bari@stny.rr.com
Treasurer: Brian Moore bmoore14519@gmail.com
Immediate Past President: Todd Horton thorton1@rochester.rr.com
Board Member: Don Stothard dstothard@aol.com
Board Member: Sagan Harris harris753@gmail.com
Board Member: Gilbert Durham durhamgil@gmail.com
Board Member: Tim Casler tcaslerr@gmail.com
VP Contest and Judging: Al Weitz
VP Events: Open
VP Marketing/Public Relations: David Lunden
VP Membership: Art Zelesnikar
VP Chorus Director Development: Open
VP Music and Performance: Sky Harris
Contact information for members of both the District Operations Team and the District Committees and Appointments can be found in the District Directory under the 'About Us' page, or in the BHS Member Center.
AHSOW: Larry Horn
Archives/History: Open
B.O.T.Y.: Tom Jones
Convention Chair:
District Directory Editor: Jim Barickman
Endowment Fund Chair: Butch Talada
Ethics: Gilbert Durham
Financial Review: Kathleen Horton
Hall of Fame (HOF): Pete Hart
Historian: Dorothy Zandt
Laws & Regulations: Nathan Bell
Nominations: Nathan Bell
Services Chairman: Butch Talada
SLAQC: Peter Frank
Sound of Seneca/Convention Programs: TBD
Social Media: Eileen Legler
Standing Ovation Program: Mike Lurenz
Web Master: David Lunden